And we’re back!!

Well that took longer than expected. It seems obvious in retrospect, but I really underestimated the amount of time it would take me to get settled in at my new place. I’m still plenty busy, but I should have time to actually write now. So, updates might be a little inconsistent, but they won’t be totally absent like they were the past few weeks.

New article on Monday. Until then…

– Saul

Brief Update!!

As you might have surmised from my absence last Friday and Monday, moving into my apartment has left me unable to post. The problem is that I won’t have internet here until Friday, and while I can sometimes get in on some hotspot action at Starbucks or the like, I’m not really in a position to write and edit articles.

Fear not; I’ll be back on Friday (or Monday if there’s a delay). I hope everyone’s had a good week so far, and I’ll see you soon!

– Saul